Saturday, September 29, 2007

Our journey

I am so glad to be starting this blog as I've really gotten away from journaling and miss having an outlet in words. I have recently been reminded in my church community that practice of those things which are central to our lives is key to making them habits and will reveal blessings through the practice. I also have been reminded by my friend, Ashley, and my dear grandmother, Maxine (who recently passed away) that words are my inspiration (whether in print or set to music) and that I need to surround myself by them. It was my grandmother's influence on my father, who is never short on words, that has instilled such a deep appreciation for their meaning and value in my life. Grandma's example was to journal daily and I love reading her words. Therefore, as I sit in the quiet of a hotel room without those whom I love the most, I start a new online journey that I hope others will enjoy and join me on. It is not only the outlet of expression, but also the opportunity for discussion with blogging that intrigues me and motivates me to embark.

Blessings to you - LCB

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