Friday, March 11, 2011


See how easily I get distacted? I have not written in this blog for 2 1/2 years. I allowed myself to quickly become re-engaged in our community through volunteer activities when having time freed up by a change professionally. However, I took my eyes off the reason for the professional change and quickly lost focus. Until December, I was living in a blur of commitments away from family and again, it is writing and running that have cleared up my vision.

Since I wrote last, I have been at the top of the mountatin achieving goals by running 2 half marathons, serving on our local school board, completing a 3 year leadership cycle with our local AMBUCS chapter and answering God's call to facilitate an adult Sunday School class. There have also been valleys including a foot injury in a fall road race resulting in a 9 month hiatus to appropriately heal and mourn the loss of my boss who died after a 7 year battle with breast cancer. Through these challenges, I have deepened my relationships with humankind and am seeing the words on the pages of my life expand from merely words and sentences to paragraphs a part of a larger story.

All along the way, God reveals a new part of His story in me. Rekindled friendships from the past open my heart to understand how our lives are intertwined and new friendships reflect a new, more confident being who is more able to discern God' purpose for our connection. When we are able to be transparent in our intentions, we are able to hear His words through our fellow partners in this journey through the kingdom. I will be intentional to write more frequently and will expand about the experiences I've mentioned above. Please join me!

1 comment:

Kvid said...

I am so happy for you that you have been able to commit to your blog again. I know how important it is to you. You are a beautiful person who I am so very blessed to be able to call a friend.